Eating the bottom paper of a Chinese bakery item

We've all done it: forgotten to peel off the thin bottom lining protecting a Chinese baked good and eaten it.

If you haven't done this I recommend it highly. Good life experience.

It struck me as a fine metaphor for facing difficult truths when operating at a much lower frequency. 


Absurdist, beautiful cinema

The Hole (1998) is an absolute cinematic treasure: a depiction of dystopian isolation at its loopiest.

It's uncommon to see 1990s Taipei in film, and although this is set far in the bleak future, those familiar with Taiwan will instantly connect with much of The Hole's imagery and symbolism.

The film features the brilliant music of Grace Chan whose career is worth discovering many times over. Directed by Tsai Ming-Liang.

Jousting snails prove medieval people were jokes too

Jousting snails or knights riding snails or fighting giant snails is prevalent and plain weird in medieval artwork. There's tons of stuff like this:

Apparently it's all a matter of wit and amusement. Rich medieval people that could own or look at books liked to laugh at themselves too. Jousting snail is hilarious like say rich kid white rapper today. Nice iconoclast touch too.

Battle snail, I feel you.


It's Boxing Day

Why not take time today appreciating the importance of being anything but a coward, a pretender, an emotional crook or a whore.

Below: don't forget to break the rules whenever you want.

First comings

Here we go, it's the initial blog post.

To some people, animals fighting back against rape would be a nightmare. Looking at you reader.